I live to write another day.
What is it with university academics?
Why are they still so much like school teachers, even after all that extra education?
Why are intelligent human beings still treating others as if they are imbecilic 9 year olds?
Tutor: 'So what do you notice about..?'
Audience attempts to notice something.
Tutor nods: 'Hmmm, that's an interesting comment [it obviously isn't], anything else you notice?'
Audience silence followed by more desperate attempts to notice something.
Tutor (with a 'helpful' voice): 'Take a look at the second stanza..?'
Audience still clueless, looks desperately at the two members of audience who have acquired secret knowledge of literary jargon in the hope they will blind tutor with said jargon.
Tutor: 'That's a good way of looking at it...but...is there anything else..?
Member of audience: 'So, are you trying to get us to say..?'
Tutor: 'I'm not trying to get you to say anything, there's no right or wrong answer'
Audience gives up.
Tutor: 'Well perhaps if I tell you ...'
One member of audience realises that of course there IS a required ANSWER and that it's taken 17 people a whole agonising 15 minutes to be led to THE ANSWER, during which anyone who has contributed to the class discussion has made a rectumhole of themselves by muttering apparently irrelevant drivel.
90% of audience go home thinking what a wonderful teacher they've just experienced.
One member of audience (who at some time in the past opted for the red pill and dropped out of the matrix) realises that the class has been exposed to teacher-speak, and feels hugely patronised and rather depressed as a result.
And what can we learn from this story?
1. No matter what teachers say there is always a RIGHT ANSWER, i.e. the one they want you to say.
2. Until you say this answer, you're going to be WRONG.
3. To disguise the fact that there is a RIGHT ANSWER, and that the teacher knows that answer and is deliberately keeping that right answer from you, every time you say a WRONG ANSWER they will say things like 'yes, good try' and 'nearly' and 'I hadn't thought of that one' [they had, just thought it was stupid and irrelevant] and 'that's an interesting thought' and 'hmmm'.
4. If you hear any of the above phrases, you have been exposed to 'teacher-speak' and should immediately seek out a decontamination chamber, consume alcoholic beverage and exorcise yourself through some online ranting.
They're all bastards.
ReplyDeleteEven the nice ones.
Especially the nice ones.
I am on a bit of an anti-clever mission anyway. In the grand scheme of things........ the capability to mend things, make things and get rid of things in the way are way more valuable. And even more important, the ability to draw chocolate into the house and make me laugh is tops. Quoting Milton is as impressive as quoting Monty Python really. Everyone's a critic! Or a mimic! Bah!!!!