Friday 29 October 2010

Poetic Roadkill (or Survival of the most poetic)

I'm having issues with Darwin; he dawdles across my mind every time I leave space for stray thoughts to come begging. I didn't invite him in and I don't know what he's doing there. He strides through grey matter, looking all beardy and talking about finches' beaks and giant tortoises. Sometimes he's joined by Mendel and Buckland, (the former looking monkish and the latter eating zebra roadkill). And then just when I think it can't possibly get any weirder, these group of misfits are joined by a chicken that, coincidentally, is crossing a synapse at the same time. It's most disconcerting.

Why did the..?

runt of the pterosaurs
you cross the road
without looking
left - or - right
No green cross code
A poultry with purpose
‘til the punch
children’s tarmac.
It’s no joke.
I blame Darwin, snitching on fossilized apartheid
so generations of bones
disowned their progeny. And you,
with your 20th century vocation
T. Rex would bite his opposing thumb
if evolution had granted him one
Such cold-blooded kin
surely it’s no surprise
why you
on a daily basis
commit occupational suicide

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